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LOSA99174 Car Stand: 8IGHT/T by Losi

LOSA99174 Car Stand: 8IGHT/T by Losi


Prijs: 16,99
Model: LOSA99174

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LOSA99174 Car Stand: 8IGHT/T by Losi

The 8IGHT/T Car Stand is designed to work with the 8IGHT and 8IGHT-T. The snap-together design makes it ideal for easy transport, and easy fit in your toolbox or pit box. The stand's no-slip design securely holds the chassis while you work, and the built-in shock holders prevent the shocks from rolling around during fluid changes.



  • Snap-together stand works with both 8IGHT and 8IGHT-T vehicles
  • No-slip design ensures the chassis remains securely in place while you work
  • Built-in shock holders make fluid changes easier
  • Economical price allows you to purchase one for home and another for your pit box

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Artikelnaam: LOSA99174 Car Stand: 8IGHT/T by Losi

Prijs: 16,99

Model: LOSA99174


Verzending in envelop kost altijd €1.95 ! Boven €75,- altijd gratis verzekerd verzending. Anders €4.95,-.


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